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The name of our Creator and Savior

In order to avoid confusion when writing the pages and posts on this website, I decided to be generic when describing our Creator and Savior/Messiah. Many people don’t know the true Hebrew names, or reject any message or the messenger when they see a name or view point they don’t agree with. In order for the message to be heard by as many people as possible, I didn’t use the Hebrew names.

This post serves as my proclamation to the true names as best as I understand them.

I will declare your name unto my brethren: in the midst of the assembly will I praise you. Ye that fear Yahuah, praise him; all ye the seed of Ya`aqov, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Yashar’el.  


Yahuah is the Name of our Creator of Everything. The Eloah of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Yahusha is the name of the Messiah (Ha’Mashiach), He died for our sins and rose from the grave.

I believe the video below best explains these names without having to type up an entire blog post about it.


  1. Mike Mike 12/15/2023

    You may not believe me, but I have been judged by other believers who think that I am judging them… (People are “TOUCHY” by nature). Every believer in Jesus (Christ) is “Hebrew Roots” whether they know it or not… I have been called “snarky”.
    1) Just a few short years ago (40 for me) almost nobody used Yeshua (or Yahusha).
    2) Jesus was the (transliterated) name that I called out to (for forgiveness) at 15 yo.
    3) If someone in France called me “michel”, I would understand them perfectly.
    4) If someone in Croatia called me “mehovil”, I would get used to it and understand.
    5) Even in China, I am sure their (transliterated) version would be fine for me.
    6) There have become so many many supposedly “correct” names for Jesus that I prefer to call him by the name that (in my spirit) belons to Him, and I think everyone should do the same.

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