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Interesting Numerology President 45 and 47?

Last updated on 08/10/2022

This just came to mind while on a long drive one day. I remember seeing a advertisement for a T-Shirt like this:

It got me thinking if there was some significance to these numbers.

together 9/11

If you really think about 9/11 and the significance of it, it is a huge warning sign. Think back to ancient Babylon and the destruction of its tower/city.

Watch this video below filmed on the day of 9/11 and how terrible Trump sounds in the interview. No remorse for the lost, no concern for the people in his company that was destroyed. Only cared about his building being the tallest. Only cared about the stock market closing. Only cared about the skyline.

It almost seems as if he was the one who started the phrase “Never Forget” too, he literally used it on this day. I see him using this phrase different than how most people do. Most people think of that phrase as to remember the lost lives. I see him using the phrase as revenge, that he will avenge the towers of Babylon destruction.

Here is a short video of Trump claiming he will be both 45 and 47.

Somehow I think there is something more to this, I just don’t know what yet.

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