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Trump 616, 45, and 9/11

First, I suggest reading this article written by David, it is the foundation of this post.

Original Link Here:

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Once you have read the article above, then continue reading some other connections here:

Lets take a look at the 616 number. I wrote my initial revelation on this number here.

Here are some quick sources here: (Source 1) and (Source 2) and Witness 2 (Source 1)

If we look at the 616th prime number it is 4547!

Trump was the 45th President 4+5=9
Trump is likely going to be the 47th President 4+7=11

Combine the two and you get 9/11

What verse is 9/11 in Revelation?

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Ivriyt tongue is Abaddon, but in the Yavaniy tongue has his name Apollyon.

Rev 9:11

What are the odds? I don’t do math harder than what you saw above, but I’m sure many of you know this is likely not a coincidence.

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