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President Cleveland and VP Stevenson a Shadow of Trump and Pence?

Last updated on 03/30/2024

It was brought to my attention that only one other President has ever come back for a second term after being defeated. This President was Grover Cleveland, his VP was Stevenson during his second term. What is even more interesting is that I randomly bought a book a few years ago about Grover Cleveland and never read it. It sat on my book shelf.

After realizing this, I immediately go get the book and skip to the chapters about his defeat after the first term, and the re-election 4 years after the first term. At first, I do not see any correlations to Trump or Pence.

I then find in the middle of the book a few color pictures of Cleveland, his life, and political cartoons. The one that stood out to me was this one:

The Saint and the Sinner “The great face both-ways ticket”

It shows President Grover as the Saint and His VP Stevenson as the Sinner or even the devil with his axe. The divide between good and evil or light and dark, all in one duo of President and Vice president.

We see a similar duo with Trump and Pence, only this time, the one in power is The Sinner. I found this interesting article:

US election 2016: How did a sinner like Donald Trump become a saint?

Just thought this was interesting, maybe a history buff will be able to find more correlations with these duos.

I just stumbled upon this article, if of interest:

Trump 2024? Only one president has returned to power after losing reelection.

If President Trump runs again in four years, he would be trying to follow in Grover Cleveland’s footsteps

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