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Beast Correlations – Warning Signals

Listed below are just some correlations or warnings signs. You might think they are a “stretch” or coincidence, but if you take all of these and add them up, its hard to ignore.

Trump is the the Modern Nimrod Babylonian King Tower Builder

Nimrod was the King of Babylon. Many people are starting to see how America is looking like it is the “Mystery Babylon” in the Book of Revelation. I encourage you to read Revelation with America in mind.

Trump was happy to know his building in NY was now the tallest after 9/11:

On September 11, 2001, just hours after terrorists brought down the World Trade Center, Donald Trump seemed to brag that one of his buildings was now the tallest in downtown Manhattan.

Hear for yourself! The whole interview is a red flag.

When plans for the replacement Freedom Tower/One World Trade Center were released in 2005 he says this in the quote below. He doesn’t want competition with his buildings. The whole interview at the source link is very telling.

DONALD TRUMP:  I’d rather have nothing than what they’re building, Chris. It’s a terrible design. It was designed by an egghead architect who really doesn’t have a lot of experience of designing something like this. And it’s just a terrible design.

Trump the Lawless one

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

2 Thess 2

Trump Claims he is the Truth

We know that our Messiah is the Truth:

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

John 14 NKJV

Now Trump has released his own Truth Network:

He also coined the phrase “Fake News” and called the reporters “Liars”. In turn suggesting that he is the truth and to follow him to find it.

The Little Horn of Daniel

I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words.

Daniel 7 NKJV

Watch the video below.

Trump is German and So Was Hitler

There was a reason the left called Trump “Hitler” even though he wasn’t killing Jew’s. It was another warning sign and correlation to being the Antichrist:

The heightened division, name calling, and rhetoric by the left and others was a warning to everyone of what will happen to believers when the beast rises again. At the time this seemed silly, and you might think it still is, but just wait. I believe that Hitler was a shadow of things to come. Hitler was a German Nazi…and history repeats itself!

When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them.

Revelation 11 NKJV

Trump’s German ancestral home town is nicknamed ‘Pig-Stomach Paradise’: (Article)

He is the ‘Second Coming of God’

He seems to agree with and promote this idea. See the news article here:

“I am the chosen one”

Trump the ‘Peacemaker’

We know Satan cannot keep his promises, he is a liar and deceiver. Not to mention Trump’s nickname was “Divider in chief” in some circles. However, Trump wanted to be the ‘Savior’ for Israel:

Its all a hoax to get people to support him and make him look like he is the second coming. There is too much too list about his false promise of peace, go research it!

Never Asked for Forgiveness – Never Repented!

Donald – “Ruler of the World”

The meaning behind his name: – Ruler of the World – Proud Chief – World Ruler/World Wielder

Trump and the Dove

32 And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him.

John 1 NKJV

The most interesting part of this photo shoot was the topic of the interview and reason it occurred. As quoted from this article:

The dove was art director Nancy Butkus’s idea; Butkus was aware of Trump’s interest in what he called “The Subject”—i.e., the nuclear-arms race and the urgent need for a deal-maker such as himself to (literally) save the world from surefire annihilation.

“I said, ‘Because you’re so interested in world peace, can you pose with a dove?’ After a few seconds of silence, he said, ‘Sure.’
Circled Caption Reads: “Trump is a bit like the Ancient Mariner here at “21”, a stranger at the feast. Will the dove of peace become his albatross?”

Trump’s New Presidential Limo – “The Beast”

Sure this nickname might have been unofficially used for prior versions of the Presidential limos of the past, but only Trump’s limo got the official nickname of beast.. For instance, Obama’s limo was nicknamed “Cadillac One”, and Trump’s is essentially the same model, but upgraded. (Source)

Trump University Logo

Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.

Rev 13 nkjv

Does this logo not fit this verse nearly perfectly? What about this one in his family crest?

Left version belongs to Joseph Edward Davies, who built Trumps Mar-o-Lago mansion. Right is Trumps plagiarized version.

Double Headed Eagle – Many Occurrences

Trump has used the double headed eagle a few times. Once time at his Scotland Gold Club and again after forging the Presidential seal to use after he left office.

The most famous symbol of Byzantium is the double-headed eagle, representing the Emperor’s control not only of east, but also west. This same symbol comes from the Babylonians.

Warning Signal – Why Orange?

I know this might come off petty, but the fact he looked orange on video and pictures and people made a big deal about it, just stuck out to me. Maybe it’s because the devil is red and Trump was showing some of his true colors. – Here is China news reporting what Trump says about it: (LINK)

Warning Signal – Threats to Leave the U.S.

I see this as a warning for us to consider leaving if he becomes President a second time. It might have sounded like a ridiculous notion and the celebrities were being petty about it, but maybe there is something to it. We saw with the previous Babylonian captivity that God brought His people out before it was destroyed. Here is a article about those celebs that wanted to leave.

Warning Signal – Russian Collusion

I do not believe there was any real Russian collusion going on. I think the focus on it for soo many years, for it to just fizzle out, was a huge warning sign. I do believe there is/was some Russia collusion on the spiritual level. If you read the Beast Description page you know how I think Putin will be the beast of the Earth. The Beast of the Earth causes people to worship the Beast of the Sea because of the “fire” that the beast made come down on Earth in front of men. If Putin starts firing missiles, you know all of the World is gonna look to Trump to step in (recall the Dove article, where Trump is very interested in the nuclear arms race). I believe this was a sign of the events to come when Trump rises again and conflict with Putin is at an all time high.

Warning Signal – Nuclear Power Taken

Military General Mark Milley wrote in his book that he was worried about Trumps mental decline after the election,, and he took secret action to remove nuclear powers from Trump. I take this as another sign of what’s to come in a second term. (ARTICLE)

Also see this blog post about all of the nuclear warnings in regards to Trump.

Warning Signal – The Snake Poem

He read this on the campaign trail, and he is reading it again after leaving office, as recently as of 2022. He is the snake who deceived Adam and Eve.

24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 

Matthew 24 NKJV

Warning Signal – Magazines

Halo and Angel wings?? Resurrection and ascension??
11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.
25 That night the Lord said to Gideon, “Take the second bull from your father’s herd, the one that is seven years old. Pull down your father’s altar to Baal, and cut down the Asherah pole standing beside it. 

Trump wont be tearing down these poles, God will, Trump is just pictured here as a warning to us that this pole will fall.

Liberal Narrative or WARNINGS?

I am now apolitical and avoid it all. I think all news has an agenda. But you cant help but look back and see if some of the news was not fake, but a warning?

Warning Signal – Signs of Satan

Warning Signal – Vodka Ad

Trump Vodka (from 2005-2011) is still produced and sold in Israel by the company H. Pixel, especially around the Jewish holiday of Passover for its popularity being kosher-made with potatoes over grain. An ad for Trump Vodka features a huge flock of letter T’s, representing Trump’s worshipers around the Babylonian tower.

Warning Signal – Trump Savior Shirt

For purchase on his website, a literal warning signal.

Fellow Believer also found these beast correlations: (Worth the watch)